All cat lovers at least once dreamed of petting a tiger. Or a lion. Or a snow leopard. Well, or any other big cat that you can’t just pet – after all, each of them is a huge paradise on paws! Fortunately, we have domestic cats, which are just as beautiful. Only small ones.
However, there are also compromise options in nature. Today we want to show you the largest breeds of domestic cats from around the world, which are as close as possible in size to real tigers and lions, only they (most likely) will also agree to live with you, without biting off other people’s limbs for fun.
1. Ragdoll
Average weight: male 5-9 kg, female 4-7 kg
The brightest and largest representative of this cat breed is Merlin, who looks at everyone around him exactly as they deserve it. But in general, this type of cat is distinguished by a soft character – ragdolls are able to completely relax in the arms of a person, as their name suggests (ragdoll from English – “rag doll”).
2. Norwegian Forest Cat
Average weight: male 6-9 kg, female 5.5 kg
Despite the name of the breed, these live quietly in apartments and do not beg their owners to urgently take them to the Norwegian forest. But it is still worth giving them the opportunity to walk more often, as they are very energetic and love open spaces. Norwegians are patient, ready to serve as exemplary mousers, and at the same time very friendly. Of the funny features of the breed, it is worth noting that only its representatives descend from the tree head down. That’s how they have it.
3. Британская короткошёрстная
Средний вес: самец 4-8 кг, самка 3-7 кг
Одна из старейших пород кошек на планете. По легенде британцы являются потомками того самого Чеширского кота. А ещё эти красавцы спокойно доживают до 20 лет и очень редко (по сравнению с другими котиками) мяукают, привлекая внимание людей. И вообще они спокойно переносят одиночество и знают, чем себя развлечь в отсутствие своих двуногих рабов.
4. Хауси (чаузи, шаузи)
Средний вес: самец 4-7 кг, самка 3-5 кг
Эта порода кошек с большим количеством вариаций названия была выведена скрещиванием камышового кота и домашней кошки. Хауси любят прыгать, залезать на деревья и охотиться на всех и всё. Этот вид кошек настолько редок, что миру ещё только предстоит их изучить. Известно лишь, что они дружелюбны, хорошо относятся к другим питомцам и очень любят путешествовать!
5. Turkish Van
Average weight: male 6-9 kg, females 4.5-6 kg
These adorable creatures differ from other cats in that they get along well with other pets, even with dogs (and they love children, provided they do not torture them too much). Vans are very active and inquisitive – all the shelves in your house will be conquered, and all the toys will be played. They especially like to catch objects on the fly, making amazing pirouettes in the air. As you understand, these Turkish guys would rather sit on your shoulders than lie on your knees. So play with them more!
6. Siberian cat
Average weight: male 5-7 kg, female 4-5 kg
This breed is considered the national Russian cat. In character, surprisingly, they are similar to dogs. Yes yes! They become attached to only one owner, follow him, get bored, protect him from rodents and meet him at the door with a loving look. Although they may not get along with another dog (already real) – competition for the owner’s attention, after all.
Their focus on people is generally at the cosmic level – if a Siberian sees that his person is busy, then he simply will not climb up to him. Such behavior of the KOTA causes only admiration. And this breed of these big cats is recognized as hypoallergenic – yes, they are perfect, after all!
7. Картезианская кошка (или шартрез)
Средний вес: самцы 6-7 кг, самки 4-5 кг
Эти короткошёрстные французы являются самыми ревнивыми кошками на свете — они ни в какую не переносят питомцев-соперников. Если в семье есть шартрез, то в семье есть ТОЛЬКО шартрез! То же отношение у них и к своему любимому месту в доме — попробуйте займите! От природы шартрезы наделены очень слабеньким голоском (хотя мурлыкают они от души — в соседней комнате слышно). Но в противовес вокальным данным эти котики, как вы уже поняли, одарены стальным характером, с которым придётся считаться.
8. Саванна
Средний вес: 7-15 кг (!!)
These spotted beauties (a mixture of a serval and a domestic cat) have not only grandiose sizes for domestic cats, but also a cost – from 1.5 thousand to 50 thousand dollars. Few people know, but one of the reasons why breeders decided to breed this breed is the desire to reduce the number of suffering leopards and cheetahs, which all sorts of rich people keep at home for some reason. But the savannah will not suffer – in their character (as well as in Siberian cats) there is an uncompromising loyalty to their people.
9. Kurilian Bobtail
Average weight: male 5-7 kg, female 3-5 kg
They are noble fishermen, although they do not like water. Representatives of this breed are very fond of active games, including chasing a toy with its subsequent return to its owner (don’t you think that the bigger the cat, the more doggy features it has?). And take a look at the characteristic bobtail tail – it is surprisingly short (3-8 cm).
10. Maine
Average weight: male 7-11 kg, female 4-5 kg
It’s time for a half-bow, because in front of you is the Maine breed – classic big men with tassels on their ears that reach a meter (or even more) in length. In addition to their appearance as strict bosses of large corporations, Maine have another unusual feature for cats: they love water. And not to drink, but to be in it.
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